Shinyi Wu, PhD
Associate Professor of Social Work and Industrial & Systems Engineering in the Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work at the University of Southern California (USC) and with a secondary appointment at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering. Wu brings an cross disciplinary approach to her research, applying an engineering approach to research that spans many social work applications, from health, behavioral health, mental health, aging, organization and management, to policy analysis and transformation. She is also a senior scientist at the USC Edward R. Roybal Institute on Aging.
“Multiple supports are essential for people to regain their ability to live independently.”
“...[S]ocial work also highlights the process of empowerment, the process that motivates people to voice and take actions for themselves.”
“Additionally, media and technology could also serve as a way to fight against the stereotypes and discrimination and a way to create a friendly environment.”
“My research and work focus on supporting independence and social connection for people with disabilities. Rehabilitation for me is a multisectoral effort that could address the holistic needs of a person with health conditions while also taking their interaction with the environment and social network into consideration.”